22 Dec
Interview with TÜRBÖWITCH

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about TURBOWITCH (Members, Starting Year etc). 

TÜRBÖWITCH started out in 2016 by vocalist Zslöd and guitarist Kommandante Klit as a side project, just for fun. We've been friends for a really long time and always had a shared passion for the extreme music and aesthetics of the 80s, so it was a logical thing to do. As time passed, the project became more and more serious in approach, but still heavily concentrating on the fun part, and we expanded the official line-up to a 5-piece eventually. In the meantime, the band released a demo in 2016, an LP („Napalm to Posers”) in 2017, and EP ("Beyond the Last Call") in 2018, and recorded a second full-length ("Fullmoon Liquorthropy"), which is about to be released. We booked and shared stage with a number of renowned international acts such as Abigail (JPN), Mystifier (BR), Nuclear (RCH), Helgrind (UK), Blackevil (DE), Adversor (ITA), Radiation (SK) and so forth. We only had two line-up changes so far since the inception (both on drums), but we still have a splendid relationship with all our members, past and present. We're all hopeless suckers for fast and loud music, obnoxious behaviour and high amounts of booze!

You have recently released your single ''SxPxTx''. What is the feedback from your audience as well as from the press?

 'SxPxTx' is the precursor of our second LP,  which is completed and ready for release. We feel this is a much more fleshed-out and mature album than the first one was, with way better production, and wanted to show a small glimpse of that to the people, which they seemingly received well. We're playing this song on live events too, with positive feedback from the crowd and always a huge moshpit, so I guess it can be called a success, haha.

Label or DIY and why? 

It depends on the situation and the magnitude of the release. Our first demo was totally DIY, and even after the debut LP (for which we actually had a label backing) we released a 3-track EP all on our own, just out of simplicity. But since we do believe that having an established and well-organized record company promote your music can still be essential to reach a greater audience (especially overseas), we definitely prefer having our full-length albums released through an actual label. Sometimes it's a hard and time-consuming process, but if done right, it can absolutely worth the effort.

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?

Digital is by far the most effective way to promote your stuff nowadays, can't deny this fact. It's just how people consume music (or any other kind of pre-recorded entertainment, really) nowadays. Given our musical taste and appreciation for the old-school mentality though, we also feel the necessity to have as many of our records distributed in physical format as possible. Real, die-hard fans require that too. Our first LP came out both on CD and on Tape (huge thanks to Balázs at Neverheard Distro for that). The 2018 EP was pressed on Mini-CD (probably the last time anyone released anything on that ever, the press clerk looked at us like total idiots and we used the very last batch of his available discs, which he had on shelf for years before, haha). Never had a vinyl release so far, but that would be really cool to have one day, too. Maybe for the next album, who knows? 

Your music style is Speed/Thrash MetalPunk. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)

Definitely the classics like early Bathory, Venom, Celtic Frost, Sodom, Slayer, Exodus and Motörhead. We're also listening to a bunch of newer bands from the 21st century like Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste, Inepsy, Deathhammer, Midnight, Evil Invaders, Hellripper, you name it. All of them were originally inspired by the aforementioned pioneers from the 80s anyway, so that's where our main influences are rooted, really.

Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?

In a nutshell, everything. If you wanna get anywhere near what you can call "success" (which more or less means to be constantly on the road, having your name in circulation and not dying of starvation in the process), you have to be prepared to severe every tie, to resign every role you have in your job, in your private life, hell, even to sell everything you own, just to keep the band going, and you still need a shitload of luck to even have a slight chance of making it. This is a tough path to choose, and honestly, not everyone is cut out for it. The competition is fierce, demand is scarce, and with the current situation with touring limitations going on for who knows how long, every day is a serious struggle if you're a professional musician, especially in the underground. We all have day jobs, so obviously don't rely on making money with TÜRBÖWITCH, so we get by. It still takes significant amount of time and energy to maintain the band but that's OK because we're doing what we love, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. 

Describe your ideal live show as a performance Band. Have you already experienced that? 

As long as we can hear ourselves properly and play with confidence, and people go batshit crazy all around, I think we are fine, haha. Sounds simple enough, right? To attain that, well, it’s not so simple sometimes, but I have to say we experienced quite a few satisfying events in that regard over the years.

Which attributes, do you think, that a new MetalPunk Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?  

For us at least, it’s certainly not trying to reinvent the wheel. To be honest, I don’t think that’s even possible at this point. But it’s crucial to possess some kind of fire, a certain energy which pumps everyone’s adrenaline level to the sky and makes everyone go insane, especially live. While writing, we’re not really concerned about what kind of specific subgenre the riffs and the arrangements belong to, as long as the music has that kind of intensity which instantly gives you the urge to fuck shit up and raise hell.

Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Heavy MetalPunk Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a Band to promote its work?

Of course! As I said before, most people listen to music digitally these days, so it’s kind of inevitable to be present on these platforms, otherwise you end up in a massive disadvantage when it comes to promotion. It’s kinda sad to see that, since the band receives little to no support from streaming platforms but that’s the new normal I guess, so we have to cope with that somehow and find alternative ways to keep ourselves afloat. 

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Hungary (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)  

The Hungarian scene is relatively small, which has its advantages and downsides. Basically everyone knows everyone, so sometimes it feels like a really inbred community, but there’s also a great sense of unity and camaraderie among a lot of extreme metal acts, we’re mutually helping each other out with gigs, promotion and whatnot. There’s also a few extremely talented guys (and girls) out there who play on an absolutely professional, international level, even though their current acts are maybe not so well-known, so it’s worth digging into the scene as you might find some hidden gems there. Hard-copy fanzines are still a thing, although I have to say that their numbers are diminishing and time between issues have increased significantly. Webzines, they exist , still doing what they do and did like, a decade ago, but there’s only so much they can help local underground musicians to emerge to a certain level, there’s a limit to what you can do, where you can go domestically. Most bands are relying on social platforms to promote themselves and looking for recognition overseas in order to grow, but that’s a whole different kind of challenge. As for venues, we are living quite hard times with all the lockdowns, and a few important clubs have already shut down even before the pandemic, so there’s definitely a shortage of clubs right now, but I hope this will change once we’re through this COVID nightmare, and that it will happen soon.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?  

Oh hell yes! The Greek scene is pretty fucking legendary, in my opinion you guys have one of the best in Europe, and definitely the strongest in the south-eastern region of the continent. Be it Thrash Metal (Bio-Cancer, Exarsis), Death Metal (Dead Congregation, Sickening Horror), Black Metal (Dødsferd, Varathron) , Melodic Death Metal (Nightrage, Aetherian), Stoner Metal (1000mods, Godsleep), metalheads from Greece never disappoint! We even have a few favourites from your country in the vein of this rotten, filthy, punkish speed/thrash thing that we do, like Omega or Raw Pöison. And I guess I don’t even have to mention your internationally well-known acts such as Rotting Christ, Septicflesh, and musicians like Gus G and George Kollias, of course. 

What are your future plans?   

First and foremost, to finally release LP no. 2 as soon as possible. As I mentioned earlier, the music is done, and most of the artwork is already completed, so we are currently in the stage of compiling an appealing package we could present to potential labels. It will also include something special, but I can’t tell you more about that right now J. We also have plans to finally do some shows abroad for the first time since the pandemic, for which we have promising options, but ultimately, everything is going to depend on how the virus situation unfolds by that time. 

Thank you very much for your time & Keep up the good work! The closure is yours.   

Thank you so much for the opportunity and spreading the word! Keep on supporting the true underground worldwide, and we hope to finally see your amazing country and metalheads personally soon!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.

Photo credits: Dani Vida 







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