24 Feb
Interview with GHOUL DIGGERS


We had a conversation with Betrayer. Enjoy!

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about GHOUL DIGGERS (Members, Starting Year etc).

Betrayer - Ghoul Diggers started back in the 3rd quarter of 2019; when Abyecto and Betrayer started composing music by their own (active members from Seperfu and Enurta); general idea is to produce old school metal and not follow trends, there is demo titled “Ghoul Diggers” and now our first EP named “Ashes to my Funeral”. Current line-up: Betrayer – Rhythm Guitars and Bass Guitars Abyecto – Vocals and Percussions Our line-up will increase very soon, as I am writing these lines, we are currently recruiting a couple of band members to join us, and this will be announced soon. 

You have recently released your EP ''Ashes to my Funeral''. What is the Feedback from your audience as well as from the Press?

Betrayer - Good feedback from the audience; as well as the press, some editors have already started to review it on their fanzines, which is great for us. Overall there has been a good acceptance within the underground scene in Mexico.

Label or DIY and why? 

Betrayer - We always believe that underground music is more like an interdependent relationship between metal heads; you know local guys buying at local records store, providing support in every local gig, bangers buying/trading local bands merchandise, so for me DYI it is a way but there may be limitations of knowledge when producing music and sometimes this will be reflected in the outcome; in the other hand, working with a label help in producing a record in a professional way, as well as the distribution of your music so you can reach more targeted audience. Unfortunately, nowadays more underground labels want everything easy and ready to go; you know looking for a great band with an album recorded and mixed in studio, even better if the artwork is ready and all expenses are covered by the band that is why many of metal bands prefer DIY.

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that? 

Betrayer - Tough question, in regards the sound, it will be stupid not to say that Vinyl is the best one; but in regards the format I prefer CD, I believe that you have more chances of experiment in the artwork. Tape brings me back to some good times and good memories too, so it is nice to have all those formats. In addition, sometimes we forgot about having a Hi-Fi devices for a better appreciation experience. 

Your music style is Thrash/Death Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)

Betrayer – The easiest and most difficult question ever, it is not quite easy to list all bands I love/respect/admire, in general everything you listen influences when creating music. I will mention some of them without any particular order: Bathory, Celtic Frost, Sepultura, Morgoth, Morbid Angel, Running Wild, Necrophobic, Hypocrisy, Testament, Sadus, Dismember, Entombed, Sarcofago and many more.

Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?

Betrayer - I wish I know the right answer. However, I will try to give you my opinion. Well, it is not an easy path to choose, here it is almost impossible to live from your music, and many of the well-known band members have either a primary job or another money ingress (distro, label, art page, other bands, having many parallels projects or becoming in tattoo artist, etc). Some of these musicians are recording once or twice a year with new short-lived bands in order to have new material to sale every 6 months; I believe that this is incorrect and music is getting in the wrong direction when this is happening. Nothing is going to be sacrificed if you are enjoying what you are doing, quite important is to be passionate in making music (metal and evil music must say). As you know time is the most valuable thing for human beings; so you invest or waste time of your brief life in making music, having fun with friends and family. I believe that you can find a balance where you may be comfortable, but this is very subjective. 

Describe your ideal live show as a performance Band. Have you already experienced that?

''Just before dawn in the cold light, we came out of the night. A great expectation from the man who ran the show. Will it rain, will it snow, will shine, we don´t know. Are there clouds up in the sky? We sat in the sun, whoa-oh-oh And the bands played on!''

Betrayer - Sorry I couldn´t avoid it, I think this song from Saxon describes pretty much my ideal live show and unfortunately I have not experienced it (yet). 

Which attributes, do you think, that a new Thrash/Death Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique? 

Betrayer – Passion in what you like will lead you into the path of identity; about to be unique that will be difficult on these times when we have a lot bands emerging every day. 

Do you believe that Bandcamp and other Digital Platforms help the new Thrash/Death Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a Band to promote its work? 

Betrayer – Not really sure about this, we prefer to buy physical format rather than digital. However, with the trend of the streaming platforms and the possibility of having instant access to new music, this may threaten music industry but not real metal scene, as long as we continue buying zines, trading CDs/tapes, buying merch from bands, etc. Underground music will survive to all media platforms, which mainly are looking for easy money for all the “hard work” in distributing your music. 

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Mexico (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.) 

Betrayer - Metal scene has changed significantly, I really mean it, and old school bands are now “re-living” their second wave of success; with the social media advantage (or disadvantage), new metal head generation had re-discovered all these great metal bands and they are now becoming more popular in Mexico; this is great for the scene and help in the reinforcement of our underground scene. Furthermore, I am impressed about the amount of new top class quality bands emerging from several states of the Republic. So start getting Mexican fanzines and some records from the old/new Mexican scene. Pandemic is not really helping to support metal worldwide and here it is not different, that is why many metal bars have closed their doors and some local promoters stopped investing in metal events. Some fanzines have quitted and new generation of webzines arise. Print version are nice to have and collect; but in the other hand, webzines are helpful to reduce distances across seas in effective timely manner, so I believe both are having their purposes of existence. 

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?  

Betrayer – Yes, I am not consider myself as a Hellenic Black Metal follower per se and, worldwide we should have more respect about it and I believe that we overlooked Hellenic black metal (due to Norwegian black metal) but I find it very interesting. It is great to listen multi-instruments with some traditional influences and atmospheric visions of darkness along with some killer riffs. 

What are your future plans? 

Betrayer – Consolidate Ghoul Diggers as an international reference of Old School Metal Band. Deliver quality music and evil hymns for all head bangers worldwide.  Shortly we will produce our second EP and next year a full length, perhaps a live session in tape format. 

Thank you very much for your time & Keep up the good work! The closure is yours. 

Betrayer – Many thanks for the support, your time and the interview. Keep supporting metal sick music! See you next time. Cheers from the tomb!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.



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