01 Jan
Interview with NIGHTRIDERS


We had a conversation with Costy Validakis. Enjoy!

Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.
Tell us a few things about NIGHTRIDERS (Members, Starting Year etc).
Well i started this band in the summer of 2020, i have ideas for songs that i started to record with the help of my friend and producer of the first song, Ramiro Mena... hearing that the songs were really good i decided to put a band and the name NIGHTRIDERS was in my head a long time ago... the first lineup actually never got to get a single rehearsal because of the pandemic and the fact that we lived in different cities with the other guys, but in 2021 i got to hang out with the singer Leo Boyoqui and he was really interested in be a part of this, his voice is really great, then we had our bass player Leon Gutierrez working with us all the year and now we have our first drummer Alvaro Ponce recently joined although he couldn't got to play in the first song...

You have recently released your song ''Por las Calles''. What is the feedback from your audience and how many songs you have so far?
The feedback is actually really great having in mind that we released the song on December 31st and in less than a day, we got 300 views in youtube, a mention in a radio show and of course your interview haha... We are really pleased with the support and we have 5 more songs, some of those will be part of our upcoming EP that will be released in 2022 with the name of NIGHTRIDERS.

Label or DIY and why?
Both have their pros and cons... we absolute prefer DIY because we don't have to depend of someone telling us what to do.

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that?
We love all kind of format that reach us to the heavy metal audience, of course physical stuff is cooler, you have the spirit right there (nothing better than having the CD with the booklet), but if people decide to hear us on Youtube it's cool too.

Your music style is Heavy/Speed Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.)
We have many favourite bands of course, we are from the under and we live for it, but if we have to pick our favourites there are bands like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Running Wild, Accept, Gravestone, H Bomb, V8, Bloke, Sortilege, Fortress that are our main influences.

Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed? Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?
In my opinion, when you have a band, you are sacrificing lots of things all the time, having in mind that we are working guys and students, we sacrifice working or studying time to rehearsals, spend lot of money too, not only for rehearsals, but in advertising, accessories, instruments, travel, etc. But hey, nothing great comes easy hahah the satisfaction comes when having done the hard work, you see that you enjoy what you do and people too.

Describe your ideal live show as a performance Band. Have you already experienced that?
Well not yet because we are pretty new as a band, and the only thing we did so far is releasing this song without a complete lineup (our drummer Alvaro joined after the song was done with a drum machine), but there are some dream shows in the future with fellow bands like our brothers from Caustic, Frantic, Toxic Goat, Mercürio, Makinación, Steelballs, Bulletproof and lots of bands that we dream to share the stage, cause they are killer bands from Argentina.

Which attributes, do you think, that a new Heavy/Speed Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?
That really depend on what the band wants to project because it has to be different, otherwise all the bands would be the same and that could be pretty boring, but for me the essential is the speed on the songs, the fury on the riffs, and the image as one of the most important things in a heavy metal band... lots of bands sounds great but you see them onstage and they look like they recently got from the bed with shorts hahah that's not the best thing of course...

Do you believe that Digital Platforms help the new Heavy Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a Band to promote its work?
For me it really helps the new bands because we live in a different era now that it was in the 80's for example, now everything is digital and people around the world is watching and hearing everything on Youtube, Spotify or Bandcamp, so in my opinion it's not about a unique right way, it's more of a way that works for promoting your material.

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Argentina (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.)
The underground scene in Argentina is growing like some kind of monster and it really makes me proud, not only for the fantastic bands and labels like Argentina Thrash Metal, Hellraiser Productions, and fanzines like Enterrsdo Vivo that are fantastic and they have tons of perfect material, but also for the friendship spirit and camaradery that exist in bands, distros, zines and fans in general, really a perfect brotherhood that grows more everyday and it's fantastic to be a part of it!.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene? 
I know something about the Hellenic scene, and it's really cool.

What are your future plans?
The plan now is to continue to grow up as a band, planning the live shows so people can see our message and our material, and continue to recording our first EP, that will have some more killer songs for all of you.

Thank you very much for your time & Keep up the good work! The closure is yours.
Thanks a lot for the support, for believing in new bands like ourselves and for continue to spreading the heavy metal disease that we love so much, keep doing that great job and long live heavy metal!!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.



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