08 Apr
Interview with MYSTIC STORM


Welcome to the FILTHY DOGS OF METAL Webzine.

Tell us a few things about MYSTIC STORM (Members, Starting Year etc).

Mystic Storm was born in 2019 – our first demo was recorded in that year; in the following two years the band had several line up changes (me and Anya are the only original members). After our debut full-length (2020) was released we’ve had another slight line up change, now things seem pretty stable and our coven is ready for action, no holds barred (aside from the fucking pandemic).

You are going to release your album ''From the Ancient Chaos''. Tell us a few thing about this project.

The new album’s material was composed long ago, though the original lyrics were completely changed since then. It now finally feels absolutely accomplished. Lyricwise, being huge fans of old school fantasy fiction, we sing about might and magic stuff, darkness and light – all this and more. I won’t tell more before the album is released – let the listeners check it out for themselves.

Label or DIY and why?

Both concepts can work well and vice versa, it depends. Our new album is going to be released on tapes and vinyl records by a Swedish label Jawbreaker, which is run by just one person – that’s pretty DIY. But we also are going to release our own limited tape edition which is in a way even more DIY. To be honest, working with a good label is cool, it can give a band lots of good stuff – promotion, connections, new friends and loyal audience. DIY is traditionally the perfect fit for punk bands, works way better than for trad metal bands, in my opinion. 

Do you prefer Vinyl, Tape, CD or Digital Format and why is that? 

We prefer vinyl and tapes – blame it on the sheer magic of the sound, each forementioned format got its own facet of that magic. No one would argue that vinyl records have the most fantastic, overwhelming sound quality.

Your music style is Thrash Metal. Which are your main influences (Favourite Artists / Bands etc.) 

Can’t fully agree on this definition – our music actually doesn’t sound like classic thrash metal. But speaking of our favorite thrash metal bands, Detente (especially their first album, Recognize No Authority) comes to mind first. We strongly recommend this record to all true metalheads.

Which things, do you think, a Band should sacrifice in order to succeed?
Have you ever sacrificed anything in your life for a better future of your Band?

Definitely, one who plays in a metal band has to sacrifice something – at least, finance wise, ha-ha. But we are more than happy to do it; some of Mystic Storm members (Kostya and Andreas) even find enough time to sacrifice to participate in several other musical projects. It takes time, energy, money and other resources, but if you’re sure it’s worth it – your band should do these sacrifices with no hesitations. It just depends on what you’re planning to make of it.

Describe your ideal live show as a performance Band. Have you already experienced that?

It hasn’t happened yet, but we hope the new album release show is gonna be IT. Though, a couple of our past shows were nearly perfect – at least it feels so. Both of them happened in Moscow, at some small club. Local audience showed us an unforgettably strong support.

Which attributes, do you think, that a new Thrash Metal Band should have in order to gain identity and be unique?

Trying to be somewhat unique is a tricky task – after all, all we do is based on stuff other bands did before us. The attitude, the message – that’s what matters. The individual style and image come from that, they don’t come first. Also one’s life experience means a lot, we all see things differently and uniquely. Creativity follows no strict rules but lays on certain basics – credo, desire to break out of your “comfort zone”, to experiment and to work HARD.

Do you believe that Bandcamp and other Digital Platforms help the new Thrash Metal Bands? Which, do you think, is the ideal way for a Band to promote its work?

Actually, yes, currently it’s the most adequate way to promote your art. It gives nearly limitless access to your music everywhere in the world, it makes easier to communicate and discover new stuff. Before it was unimaginable, for instance, for a listener in a foreign land to hear so many new Russian bands. But it doesn’t work if your music is somewhat outstanding and if you’re not ready to work hard to make it heard. If you’re half-assed about these things, no platform will help. Money and good connections help too, but that’s not our case, ha-ha..

Tell us a few things about the New Underground Metal Scene in Russia (Bands, Fanzines, Webzines, Metal Clubs etc.) 

To be honest, we don’t know much about zines, it’s something either too obscure or something we don’t pay enough attention to. Ask punks, ha-ha. But we can mention some bands that are worth checking out, of many spectres of metal: Vendel, Caustic Vomit, Morbital, Bitterloss, Pyre, Iron Driver, Electric Crown, Combat Shock, Cyanide Grenade, Geburah, Mental Slavery. It’s a list of bands we respect and are happy to be friends with – but it’s just a small part of a local scene, it’s much wider and intersects with hardcore punk scene and other subcultural tribes.

Do you know anything about the Hellenic Metal Scene?

No offence, but we know pretty much nothing about Hellenic scene. We know well two labels, though – No Remorse and Alone records, but that’s pretty much it.

What are your future plans?

Well, as I’ve mentioned, we’ve got a new line up finally completed with Andreas (he’s a German living in Russia), the new drummer, getting on board. We’ve found a common ground surprisingly fast and are already working on the new Mystic Storm material, which is going to sound surprisingly different. No spoilers – let some mystic shroud cover the future release. Stay in touch – and you’ll see!

Thank you very much for your time & Keep up the good work! The closure is yours. 

Stay strong and show no remorse when the enemy (rap or techno) lifts its ugly head!

By Steve the Filthy Dog.






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